
Don't worry - the cottontail escaped unharmed Posted by Hello

This eastern cottontail got rousted out before the flames reached its brushpile. We shooed it over the fireline and into a safe zone. Since our fires cover small areas and burn through them fairly quickly, there is relatively little major impact to most of the woodland residents. Most of the people I work with will go out of their way to move even the smallest critters out of harm's way whenever possible.


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Bunny Bunny Foo Foo!

swamp4me said...

Yes, but I never saw this one pick up any field mice and bop them on the head.

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

He's a bunny bunny foo foo in training. BBFFIT - a very impressive title. Not everyone can be BBFIT ya know.