The yard around the visitor center (centre?) afforded us an excellent birding opportunity. We saw Philadelphia vireo, Wilson's warbler, Blackburnian warbler, black-throated green warbler, Tennessee warbler, black & white warbler, chestnut-sided warbler, magnolia warbler, palm warbler, redstart, bay-breasted warbler, eastern wood-pewee, chipping sparrow, cedar waxwing, goldfinch, black-capped chickadee, and raven all within a couple of minutes.
One more note, the bottom right photo is of a hip from Rosa rugosa. The rose hips from these bushes were huge and quite tasty (hope it wasn't against the rules to taste the hips - if it was, we apologize).
We made two day trips into Canada while we were vacationing in Maine. The photo collage below is from our first trip.

Canada, on a foggy day. I promise I'll come back and fill in the details later...just wanted to get the pictures up first.
Things are a trifle hectic right now, both at home and at work. I have had no time to sit and reflect on what I would like to share with you. It's frustrating!