Last night I went out onto the carport to get something out of my truck. As I stepped out of the door I heard a rustle off to my left. As you know, things can be sort of wild around here so I felt it prudent to step back in the house and turn on the carport light -- I usually don't turn it on when I go out because a wren likes to roost in the light fixture and I don't like to scare her.
A quick scan of the ground around the door didn't reveal anything, but my peripheral vision picked up some movement at eye level just off to my left. Ah ha! Something was in the grape vine. Perhaps I would have my chance to catch that blasted cat...
But no, a closer look revealed the culprit - a porch 'possum - possibly the same opossum that made a visit to my stove drawer a couple of months back. The little guy was a tad bedazzled by the light and a little confused by the three faces staring at him (Treebeard and Flamebrain had stepped out to see what I was laughing at.). I dashed back into the house to grab the camera while the guys watched the 'possum.
When I got back out the critter decided it was time to amble off a little deeper into the grape vine. I did manage to snap a couple of shots though. If you look closely at the photo in the lower left quadrant of the grid you will see that the opossum has an apple core in his mouth. How do I know it is an apple core, you ask...because Treebeard gave it to him. Even with all the commotion, the little guy reached out and took the apple core when Treebeard offered it up. Opportunistic little suckers, 'possums.

What's that in my grape vine?!?
[If opossums aren't your thing, cruise over to
SwampStuff to check out a post on butterflies.]