
He's Back

See the blue berries getting ripe...

You would think we would have plenty of berries to go with our yogurt, waffles, or whatever.
Sadly, you would be wrong because...he's back...

Yes, I know, he is beautiful.  But he's a little devil, too.  Honestly, he will give us dirty looks and just swoop in and help himself to berries.  It wouldn't be so irritating if he ate all the berries he plucked but he's a nibbler.  Pick a berry, take a bite, go in for another.  Plus he has figured out how to go in under the bird netting we put over the bushes.  Like I said, he's a little devil...

Oh well, it won't be so bad once the berries start to ripen in large numbers.  But for now, we'll just have to heave heavy sighs and enjoy the bird instead of the berries.


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Yes, you can always go to the market and buy blueberries, but you can't buy a beautiful bird like that.

swamp4me said...

He's convince we planted the bushes for him. He did the same thing last year. The good thing is, we have plenty of berries on the bushes this year. Even he can't eat them all ;)

swamp4me said...


KaHolly said...

I love to see a Summer Tanager, even if he was eating my blueberries. I race the starlings for the berries when they ripen here. They swarm in and eat them in one felled swoop! Luckily, I have a couple of acres with (wild)blueberry plants scattered all over. Unfortunately, they grow low to the ground, and the older I get, the more difficult to pick for any length of time. The starlings are beginning to win!