
It's An Acquired Taste

So you say you want to get closer to nature, eh? Well, just find a place with some zebra swallowtails and work up a really good sweat. They'll find you simply irresistible...


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I finally had to gently grasp this butterfly and physically remove it from Treebeard's sweat-soaked shirt. He's my man, don't you know, and I don't allow trespassers ;)


R.Powers said...

Lepidoptera magnet!

sweetbay said...

That's funny! I didn't realize there were Zebra Butterflies in NC, but of course that's a different zone from the center of the state! They are beautiful.

swamp4me said...

What can I say? My man is simply irresistible ;)

sweet bay,
There is a chance you could have them in the central part of the state if you have any pawpaws about.

Ellen Rathbone said...

You just never know what some things will find attractive!!

swamp4me said...

Butterflies certainly do have varied tastes, that's for sure!

jason said...

Beautiful butterfly! The sweat lure gets 'em every time.

swamp4me said...

Sweat and urine are two definite draws. If you are out hiking in a remote place and have to answer the call of nature, it's always fun to create your own little personal puddle and see how many butterflies you can attract -- us nature types are amused by the simplest things...