
Cypress Secrets

Inside a burned out cypress stump we found this scar -- perhaps of a long-gone branch. We also found gnaw marks (not pictured), about the right size for a squirrel. Wonder if the squirrel had a tummy ache and was chewing the charcoal for relief?


R.Powers said...

It's amazing how that resembles the inside of a stony coral "cup" where the polyp once lived.

SquirrleyMojo said...

Have you noticed that you are drawn to circular and spiral images? historically, anthropologically, i believe those shapes are suppose to be more feminine.

in class today, open lecture, i discussed the "shape" of history, which is actually quite linear; i further posed that WS challenges that model. Indeed, I suggested that we also look at herstory and drew a spiral on the board--indicated multiple layers and perspectives when analyzing the past . . .

swamp4me said...

SQ, I hadn't really noticed that I'm drawn to circular/spiral images. After looking back through photos I find more pleasing, I think you may be right. Who knew?
I know I am drawn to symmetry -- I like balance. Perhaps it's the inherent balance of radial symmetry that I find appealing...
Did I ever mention to you that you remind me of my sister? I'll have to tell you about her someday. She was a very special person to me and I miss her terribly -- she died eight years ago.

robin andrea said...

I am struck by the shape of this as well. I was thinking it reminded me of how some shells look when they have fossilized in rock. I agree with SQ about being drawn to those shapes, which are often symbollic of the feminine.
A beautiful photograph.