
Winter Gray

I leave home in the morning before the sun comes up and I arrive home in the evening well after the sun goes down. My days are spent within the confines of the classroom or the gym. Being locked inside tends to make me feel a little claustrophobic -- but the good news is that my class is going well and I only have 14 more weeks to go :) Posted by Picasa


T. Beth said...

That's the thickest Spanish moss I've ever seen!

SquirrleyMojo said...

Same here!

But are you in a military stint?!?

swamp4me said...

T. Beth, this is a particularly thick batch of Spanish moss. It is really pretty with the late afternoon sun shining through it.

SQMojo, even though it does feel like boot camp, it's not the military. It is a training course I have to take to meet the law enforcement requirements of my job. Don't you want to come do some push-ups and sit-ups for me?? :)

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

14 weeks?! ONLY 14...whoops, I'm showing too much negativity...must...bring it around...


Push ups!? Sit ups?!?! What in the world...

Sorry, it's just not in me.

Must...have...another Krispy Kreme...

Anvilcloud said...

Winter is very much a black and white world in snowy rural areas up here. The occasional blue sky with sunlight really helps.

R.Powers said...

Hang in there! This too shall pass.

swamp4me said...

Hehe, Bloggy I knew I could count on you to pick up on my oh, so subtle sarcasm there with the "only 14 weeks" comment...save me a Krispy Kreme!

AC, I really can't complain too much. We have dandelions, henbit, and speedwell in bloom and the red maples and elms have started to bud. I'm just grumpy because I'm stuck inside.

FC, I'm a hangin! The PT isn't too terrible - it's just that I'm a lifetime older than most of the rest of the students and I'm the only ranger in the class. Everyone else is PD or Sheriff's department. We have what one might call a difference in world view :) They are good people though and we have bonded as a class. Just hope I can make it through the timed test in April. I'll drop you an email and explain the POPAT - you might want to set up a course on your property and give it a shot!