We did a little birding as we drove and as we walked. For those of you who find such things interesting, here's our list for the day:
snow goose
Canada goose
ring-necked duck
wood duck
hooded merganser
ring-billed gull
herring gull
great blue heron
wild turkey
sharp-shinned hawk
red-tailed hawk
red-shouldered hawk
turkey vulture
black vulture
American kestrel
mourning dove
rock dove
red-headed woodpecker
pileated woodpecker
common flicker
red-bellied woodpecker
yellow-bellied sapsucker
downy woodpecker
water pipit
American crow
blue jay
Carolina chickadee
white-breasted nuthatch
red-breasted nuthatch
house wren
winter wren
Carolina wren
ruby-crowned kinglet
golden-crowned kinglet
brown thrasher
gray catbird
northern mockingbird
eastern bluebird
American robin
Cedar waxwing
solitary vireo (blue-headed, whatever!)
yellow-rumped warbler
pine warbler
palm warbler
red-winged blackbird
common grackle
eastern meadowlark
European starling
northern cardinal
purple finch
American goldfinch
rufous-sided towhee
white-throated sparrow
chipping sparrow
field sparrow
song sparrow
Nice bird list! Also neat to know how many of our summer birds are wintering down your way. (We had a very late Turkey Vulture fly over our place on the 31st. Strange to see it this late in the year.)
That's a lot of birds in one day. Oh, but I see your in North Carolina. I'm in NY, so most of our birds migrate. I really like your blog!
Thanks, OW. We noticed how many of our winter birds are summer residents up north when we went to Maine and Canada a couple of years ago. It was so strange hearing the birds sing territorial songs...
Many of our birds migrate, too, but we do have quite a few species around here.
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