
Determined Dandelions

As soon as all the snow melted, determined dandelions started blooming. I love dandelions...


If the weathermen are to be believed, we are in for a snow-free weekend. Awesome!!!
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ksdoolittle said...

I love dandelions, too. They are actually very nutritious! Hope your weatherman is right and you have the opportunity to get outdoors for funstuff! ~karen

swamp4me said...

I've always wanted to taste some dandelion wine -- but not enough to go to the trouble of making any!

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

So bright and warm, like little suns! I just love dandelions. Your photo truly captured their sunny beauty.

jason said...

The enemy of manicured lawns everywhere. Maybe that's why I feel like you do: I love dandelions!

And I do hope you have a warmer weekend with no snow. I know you'll appreciate the chance to enjoy the outdoors without having to wear arctic gear.

Ellen Rathbone said...

If only older dandelions weren't so "ugly"! I love the sunny flowers, and when they hug the ground they are sweet dots of color. But when they get tall and leggy, with stems that rival many a pencil, and when their rosettes dominate the lawn, making it look rough and like an abandoned lot, then it is a little hard to love them. Still, their fluffy puffy seed heads are always a draw, insisting we pluck them and blow the seeds away.

swamp4me said...

Dandelions always make me smile.

Down with lawns, up with diversity!!

I used to get in trouble as a child because I couldn't resist blowing the seeds ;) It seems my father didn't appreciate the unique beauty of the dandelion in his perfect lawn...