While it is commonplace to find bear scat at my work swamp, it is less common to find it at Treebeard's work swamp (aka, the home swamp). So we have been quite pleased to have found scat the past two weekends. Last Sunday we found some along a trail several hundred yards behind the house. Yesterday found we two separate, uh, piles along a trail about a mile from the house.

A pretty pile of poo to start your Monday :) This one had a variety of seeds in it. Some were from
Smilax, some from devil's walking stick (
Aralia spinosa), some from black gum (
Nyssa biflora), and some we couldn't identify.

We're not sure what kind of seeds these are, but whatever they are the bear seemed to like the fruit they were in.

At first I thought this scat had hair in it - bear are not adverse to eating carrion. But upon closer examination, the "hair" turned out to be loads of tiny fungi. Anybody know a good mycologist?