
Someone's Watching

While working in my herb garden during lunch today, I got the feeling I was being watched...

...and it just so happens, I was being watched. A paper wasp has begun a nest amidst my rosemary. She watched every move I made as I puttered about trimming out dead branches. She was never aggressive toward me. She was cautious because she is the only one on the nest at present. All her energy is going into starting her brood. Once she has some offspring to back her up, she will be less forgiving of my trespassing. I will take down the nest before she expends anymore of her energy on it. Perhaps that way she can find a new location for her home and I will have continued access to my herb bed.

They are quite admirable little creatures, paper wasps. Since they are predatory and feed their young living insects, they aid in helping to control the insect populations around the garden.


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Tell her a shopping mall is to be built.

Anvilcloud said...

Thanks for wasting no time with the photos. Ground phlox, candytuft, and forget-me-nots are starting up here.

Crystal* said...

I thought the top picture was a "Where's Waldo" type. I was panicking. I didn't see ANYTHING. But...I should have known you had that covered. Wonderful pictures.


Jenn said...

I've been pulling boxes out of storage in the garage and finding evidence of mud-daubers. Such amazing architects, those gals.