This photo was taken in my "work" swamp, so if you read my other blog then you can probably figure this one out pretty easily. It was actually more purple in color than the photo shows and I found it in the middle of the road.
So, if scat could talk, what would this one tell you?
It tells me that some largish animal is eating pens.
Don't mess with me. (Get it? Mess? What a funny guy am I.)
Isn't that a song by the Who?
"...can you tell whose poo are you?"
(Just please don't sing Magic Bus. *cringes*)
Ouch, Pablo, that'd hurt!
Yes,Anvilcloud,you are quite the funny guy. Down here we'd say you're just a mess :)
Bloggy, doesn't that song go
"...poo, poo, poo, poo are you?"
"Sh*t" hapPENs...ugh, that was bad.
A hog who dined on some berry? It's not pelletized, ...kind of looks like my tame hogs product...jeez, I hope nobody asks what I did on the internet this evening....
This would normally be found in the woods, right?
Pablo, I believe the proper response to your question is, "Is the Pope catholic?" ;)
FC, no feral hogs in these parts, thank goodness.
OK I'm probably one of the few who enjoys scat pics on blogs. :) I'd love a whole scat ID book in fact, but most folks think that's strange.
So now when I'm trying to ID the stuff I'll always hear "Poo are you?" playing in my head.
Part of the song goes like that, but not the part I was singing. :)
Yeah. In the woods.
Is it chockcherry season?
Or is the menu still running to raspberry?
duh. Choke - chokecherry...
Looks like bear poo...scatt...pucky...are there bears there?
Loner gets the prize...wait, there is no prize...yes, it is bear scat. We have lots and lots of black bears in my work swamp.
Rurality, you need my scat bandanna -- it freaks people out :)
Jenn, the purple comes mostly from the fruit of blackberries and Devil's Walkingstick. If you look closely, you can also see some grape skins in there.
I know Bloggy, but I just couldn't resist the "poo are you?" part ;)
"And you thought your cat's hairball AND puke this morning were bad . . ."
Funny that I'd see this today--when I feel like a great big pile of sh*t anyway--LoL.
Looks like the work of the world's largest infant.
Loner deprived me of my chance to yell "Bear Scat!", and win the PRIZE!
Bear scat being fresh in my mind after running across a large sample several weeks back while in the woods doing owl surveys.
Your poop is much darker though, my Black Bear was apparently eating very red berries.
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