
Winter Renovations

Beavers are interesting creatures. They will use a lodge for a number of years then abandon it. After a while another beaver will decide that the abandoned property looks promising and will begin renovations. Such is the case with this particular lodge...

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ksdoolittle said...

There is nothing quite like coming across a beaver's abode. I think because it's so obvious, in your face evidence, that we are sharing our space with other creatures, wild animals. And they are so darned clever! ~karen

KaHolly said...

I agree with ksdoolittle. Oh, wait, I AM ksdoolittle! My new blog is for all things Cape Breton, my almost year round retreat! Hope you'll stop by for a visit when you have an extra minute or two!! Have a grand weekend! ~karen

Bill S. said...

Very interesting. Here the beaver use mostly aspen trees while leaving pines alone. Great post.

R.Powers said...

We have em, but I have never come across a beaver here in the Sunshine state.

jason said...

I love finding beaver lodges. There's one nearby that's been in use for many years. It's always a joy to visit because it's built in a location that makes it accessible on foot. Every time I visit I see signs of construction. Very cool!

That second photo is especially dazzling. The still water and the clear reflection are stunning!

swamp4me said...

They are clever, except when they drop trees on their heads.

Yes, I know you have a split personality ;) I have visited the hollow a few times. Love the boat in the fog...

bill s.,
The beaver here aren't too picky about what they use. I don't see much pine used, but they will use cypress, gum, maple, sweetgum, holly, and just about any other tree growing nearby.

No shortage of them here. There are quite a few active lodges on the millpond.

I particularly like to find the older, abandoned lodges that have caved in slightly -- the ones that give a good view of the inside of the lodge.

biobabbler said...

amazing photo. stunner. =)