

It started last Thursday and it just doesn't show a sign of stopping before midday tomorrow. We really need the rain, but I could do without the cool temperatures -- although a couple from Massachusetts told me yesterday that it's 20 degrees warmer here than where they live. Guess I shouldn't be such a whiner ;)

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All the supple-jack is dripping...

and the new cherry leaves are soaked...
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but this Barnacle Scale (Ceroplastes cirripediformis) doesn't seemed bothered in the least.

1 comment:

KaHolly said...

We had some warmer weather here in N. New England these past few days. Did you send it up? The Red-winged Blackbirds arrived 2 days ago, and the White-tailed deer are grazing in numbers daily in the pasture behind the house. Spring's coming, it surely is! Hunker down. The rain will stop and you'll be so glad to have had it.